Getting my self ready to be a teacher is going to take me a lot of work on my end because I am only a sophomore and I have a lot of school left. But on the other hand I also have been working on being more of a leader and trying to be more head strong and to have a better back bone.
Summarizing these 8 videos.
1.How to make an Audio QR code
2.iPad Reading Center
3.Poplets with Ginger Tuck
4.AVL and Kindergarden students
5.Tammy Shirley Discovery Education Board Builder Moon Project
6.Mrs.Tassin 2nd Grade Students Share Board Builder Projects
7.Mrs.Tassin 2nd Grade Students Share Board Builder Projects
8.We All Become Learners
1.How to make an Audio QR code
From this video I learned a helpful technique for the parents to have easy access to their child's homework or their progress in my class. I never had these cool things as a child we honestly did almost everything on paper. As I start getting use to these things and using technology more it makes me desire to become a teacher even more. This looked like an easy tool for me as a teacher to use. All you have to do is simply record your voice and then change it to a QR code and put that QR code on to a document and print it. It's as easy as 1. 2. 3.
2.iPad Reading Center
I really enjoy this type of teaching because kids love to listen to them selves. I will be using this because it is a fun way to teach and that is something that will be very important in my classroom. Learning in a fun way. This is so easy for the kids to do, they just simply record a video of them selves reading a book and go back and make sure they didn't mess up.
3.Poplets with Ginger Tuck
I have never seen a Poplet before. I thought it was a very fun and creative thing that is so simple for children to use. Poplet has a lot of easy tools on it for a child to use. Poplet is an app that you can download and it allows children to make their own "web" with the topic in the middle and the information on the outside. Very hands on app that will be used a lot in my classroom.
4.AVL and Kindergarden students
AVL is great because it can help you as a teacher keep your eyes on what they are searching for and making sure they stay on topic. I like the fact that there are so many resources for the kids to use and its easy to navigate.
5.Tammy Shirley Discovery Education Board Builder Moon Project
Discovery Education is a great way to teach children how to do something fun and creative on their own. The little girl that explained how to do things in this video was very confident in what she was saying and knew how to use this tool.
6.Mrs.Tassin 2nd Grade Students Share Board Builder Projects
7.Mrs.Tassin 2nd Grade Students Share Board Builder Projects
I put 6 and 7 together because they are about the same thing. I like these videos because the teacher is stepping aside and letting the student teach. The Board Builder looks like a tool that I could use in my classroom because it is a fun way of learning and showing off what they have learned.
8.We All Become Learners
I love this video because it is real teachers talking about their experiences. This video helped me realize that I'm not always going to have the answers and that's okay. I love that students can step up and help their teachers and show them that they are trying and they can do things. I hope that one day my students will have the courage to stand up and say "No Ms.Kaitlyn this is how you do that."
You will notice in this post I used the word fun a lot. That will be a big part in my classroom because I want the children to enjoy coming to school because thy spend so much time here and with me.
This is a classroom I helped teach in Quito Ecuador.
Kaitlyn, you are going to be a fun teacher for sure and using these new ways in your classroom will make your students think you are cool too. I plan on using a lot of them also. As far as getting yourself ready and having so much more school to go, the fact that you are working on things now is great. You'll be fine! On a side note, pertaining to your blog, remember to proof read. I am one of those who are guilty of letting things slip also, but over all I enjoyed reading!